Welcome to Abhilashi University : B+ Accredited by NAAC


Registrar's Message

Education is not about loading child's mind with information, but about making it capable of razor-sharp perception, capable of knowing life in its full depth and dimensions".  


While reading this beautiful and beautiful quote on Internet and I realized how relevant it is for all of us associated with the field of education, it may be children, parents and teachers. I think none of us at any point in the life can sit back and say, "There is nothing more to learn, I can relax with the comforting thought that the universe around me is an open book. I know it all."

Education is not just about the subjects that are learnt and taught in educational institutions and becoming educated is not only to go initially to school and then to college, gathering certificates and feeling proud of oneself but it is a lifelong exercise that can be unbelievably exciting if only we wish to jump onto the train of experience and take a trip to every conceivable place on the earth. Now we know that this cannot be done literally, so how do we manage it, first in school/college life and then as we go on through life's journey.

First, we all have to be on the same page, children, teachers and parents have to understand that education is not restricted to lessons taught in the class room from text books. I welcome you to Abhilashi University, an institution where we help you to shape your future and help you in achieving the destination of life which you want to achieve. Abhilashi University has 5 Faculties and 13 Schools conferring degrees and diplomas in 46 different courses. I assure you that at Abhilashi University we will not leave any stone unturned in making your dream come true. At last I will like to add a few words of Albert Einstein­ "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand."

Dr. Kapil Kapoor